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Flextime is a work arrangement in which employees render the usual number of hours of work in a day but where everyone is free to decide the start and end of the work day. Usually, the employer establishes a fixed range in which all employees must be present at work. By default the "Flextime" software is configured with a time slot for the morning (07:00 to 09:15) for lunch (from 11:30 to 14:00) with a minimum duration of 45 minutes, and finally the range of end times day (15:30 to 19:00). By default the working day is 07:34, and the maximum time that can be achieved in about one day is 50 minutes. The main interface of the "Flextime" software, allows entry after the time of arrival and your departure time to automatically calculate the time more or less you will have at the end of your day. The default values ​​can be changed via the "Settings" menu. Pointing times are modifiable by the "Editing" menu.